

OK… So my idea that I could take three girls to the cabin all by myself… not so bright… The girls had a good time but boy oh boy… and what ever miracle of miracles allows six year old girls to wake up with such enthusiasm at the late old hour of 6:30 am they need to bottle up save until they are 13 and don’t want to wake up and give back to them…

This was our first overnight stay during the heating season… working the wood stove for over nights burns is going to take some getting used to.

We had an abundance of wildlife coming around… deer were everywhere along with turkeys and hawks… I have a video below of 6 deer… when I went upstairs I found the turkeys were just over the rise… watch the HD version… it is much clearer

I also stopped into Mose’s place (local Amish friend who runs a small sawmill among other things) to drop of a lumber order. He was not there and I needed some sawdust for the toilet so I went to the mill… while there I took the opportunity to snap a couple of shots… his mill is a small operation… I would love to have the chance to take a couple of photos at some of the larger mills in the area…

So all in all it was a very good trip…. but I could have used some help… especially the first night when I had to get the car unpacked, fire going dinner cooked, bed made and kids ready for bed all in about two hours…

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