
So I started out today doing some turkey hunting… unfortunately I was five minutes behind the five that came through… maybe next week….

On the cabin we basically finished the hanging the drywall. We were short a little piece. My F-I-L thinks he has a small piece back at his place. The areas we dry walled today were under the loft and the bedroom along with the half walls in the loft.

We also sanded the exposed 4×6’s larch posts. I have to figure out what I am going to use to finish these still…

I painted a older set of fireplace tools… I have found that high temp grill paint polished looks great.

We also picked up a couple of sets of brackets for stacking some of our firewood. We setup one of them on the east side of the porch. We are going to setup the other on the west side later.

Seeing as we are almost done with construction I finally picked up some replacement dewalt batteries… For the price of these that might as well be crack… We had one dewalt battery and a cheaper Roybi set. The dewalt is so much better but the batteries are just so expensive… So now between my father-in-law and me we have 5… Just in time to be almost done 🙂

So once we get the drywall muded the last real task for this year is going to be hanging the larch on the upstairs wall. Then we will finish painted the floor… then just enjoy it until spring… that will be nice


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