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We started back on the cabin project after a long winter. It was a balmy 27 degrees this morning when we got there… which made the driveway a bit easier to drive on. We had to remove a lot of brush and broken branches on the upper driveway but compared to our trips down earlier to check on things it was easy.

Over the winter we had some blue tarps over the porch. We will be looking at something more permanent in the coming years.
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Over the winter one of the supports for our chimney got tweaked. We will have to do something about that this year
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As for actual work… I equalized the batteries, cut up some of the poplar trees I knocked down last year and split some of it, built a half wall to go between the two support posts (photos below) and took lots of measurements. I am planning on coming up with some basic plans soon as I have received several emails… give me a couple of weeks and I should something.
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