Opening the cabin


It seems like fall was a long time ago… it was good to be back

Here is what we took care of this trip:
1) Dropped off the propane refrigerator, regulator and tank along with other misc items… really digging that $20 fridge
2) Inspected the property… both for natural damage & for signs trespassing… This trip everything looked good… much better then in past years… but I think our snow fall was much much less this year…
3) Pulled the tarp down from the front porch
4) Cleared some of the poplar trees around the wood shed
5) Played chainsaw repairman… we are looking to get a stihl sometime soon…
6) Played with the new β€œtoy” πŸ™‚

Hopefully now that the weather is better future updates will be more timely… I have received a couple of requests for videos of a particular subject that I am going to try and work in sometime this summer… If there is something you are looking for let me know (you can comment on youtube either public or send a message) and I will see what I can do… check back in a week or two for another update…

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