So we had put off some of the end of the season prep work hoping the weather would hold out for us… that did not happen… over four feet of new snow on the ground… next year we will make sure our projects end by September so we can get everything ready.
With all the snow we ended up calling in a loader to clear the driveway… The snow had settled to two to three feet of heavy snow and there was now way we were going to clear things up.
I was going to snowblow a path back to my place… but the snowblower was having none of that… should have spent some time this summer working on it… I’ll get to it next year… Instead I shoveled a path 800 feet long back to my place… maybe that will help me remember to fix the snowblower next year…
The barn is holding up nicely under the snowload…
Mostly we just tarped everything off and took all the freezables out… did a little hunting but it was raining the second day so I only spent a couple of hours before deciding to pack it in… I got a deer a couple of weeks ago so I was not under the gun to fill the freezer…
Also did one last video…
So that’s it… posting will be pretty light until the spring thaw… Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas