Long over do post. We have had the tractor home for weeks but I had not got around to posting up the videos here…
All posts by cleb
“New” Ford 8n
Our old Ford 8n has a split rim and needed new rear tires. It was going to cost around $1000 for the new tires and rims mounted. I checked our local craigslist and found a 8n with like new tires for not much more. So we picked up the “new” one. We will be taking the best of the two and making one good one. I will get some better pics and a video once we pick it up this weekend. but here are a couple for now. Continue reading “New” Ford 8n
A Peaceful visit to the cabin
This week I wanted to get out to the cabin a night early. The family had parties to go to so I enjoyed a rare treat, an overnight visit alone. Living in an urban area it is not often that I get to be totally alone. The silence is a like a welcomed friend and a not to frequent treat. Continue reading A Peaceful visit to the cabin
Getting back to old projects
There are many little projects I have been skipping over and meaning to get to. One of them was to revisit the tool shed.
First overnight of the year
We spent our first night at the cabin for the year. I had been trying to get out sooner but kids and activities got in the way.