After doing the apple dehydration video I watched some videos of people using apple peelers and had to have one. It just came in the mail.
After a couple of adjustments it worked perfectly… now my only thoughts are why I did not get this at the start of the season. I was able to do the 8 apples it takes to fill my dehydrator in a couple of minutes.
The one I got was the Back To Basics Apple And Potato Peeler. The review on amazon were good and at $18 it was a good deal. So far I am a happy guy and would recommend it to anyone else who processes more then a couple of apples a year.
I want to buy how much price
[email protected]
Glad I found your video…peeler came with a handle to attach (took a while to figure out which way screw went) it had no other instructions with it so if I hadn’t found your video I would’ve been lost…Thank You…I love this gadget!!