I spent sometime this week canning my last batch of apples for the season. This year I have put up just under 40 quarts.
The canning process is pretty simple. I learned it from my mom who canned lots of things from our garden and fruits from local farms. When I can I think of it as passing along some part of her.
Before you start peeling apples fill your canner with hot water and put it on the burner on high to bring it up to a boil.
To start you need to peel apples. I used my new Back To Basics Apple Peeler to peel the apples and put them into a water bath that included about half a cup of lemon juice and a tablespoon of Ball Fruit-Fresh
Once you have enough apples to run a batch you need to make the syrup that is hot packed with the apples.
The recipe for the syrup is :
- 1 cup unsweetened apple juice
- 1/2 cup lemon juice
- 3 1/2 cups water
- 1/2 teaspoon of nutmeg
- 1 1/2 teaspoons of cinnamon
- 3 cups sugar
I doubled the recipe for this batch. It is brought to a light boil then the heat is turned down and you are ready to fill the jars.
The syrup can be used as a pie filler. It just needs to be thickened with some starch once you are ready to make a pie.
Once your syrup has been brought to a boil fill a jar with apples and then add syrup to within half a inch of the top and then put the lid on and add the jar to the canner.
After you have used all your apples you are ready to process the apples. Lower the wire cage so the jars are covered by a inch of water and put the lid on. Turn the burner up to high and wait for a rolling boil.
Once boiling set your timer. At our elevation we need 20 minutes but I usually let it go for 25.
When the timer goes off remove the jars from the water on place them on a towel and cover them with a towel so they can cool slowly.
Thats all there is to it. I have used canned apples that are 10 years old without issue.
If you are new to canning these books are a must have :
Blue Book Guide to Preserving (by Jarden Home Brands)
Ball Complete Book of Home Preserving: 400 Delicious and Creative Recipes for Today
and if you need a canner this will get you started
Granite Ware 0707-1 21-1/2-Quart Steel/Porcelain Water-Bath Canner with Rack
Presto 09995 7 Function Canning Kit
Don’t forget jars
Ball Wide Mouth Quart Jars with Lids and Bands, Set of 12
Ball Canning Regular Mouth Half Pint Canning Jar 8 oz. 12-Count
and lids