Third week in on the Sugar shack project. This week we installed purlins on the roof, the steel roof and skylight and framed one of the walls in.
We should be further along but have just been too busy… plus turkey season started… so for the next couple of weeks we will be spending mornings trying to harvest one.
Kind of a short update this week. Like I said… we have been busy…
This week we started building our budget friendly sugar shack. The main materials are shipping pallets scrounged from around our town.
So far the only thing purchased are the pressure treated 4×4 corner posts. In the end we will also be purchasing Amish 2×6’s for the roof rafters and maybe some steel roofing if we can’t find enough laying around the property. Total budget for the project should be under $100
The shack is going to be 10×10 and only a little over 6 feet tall at the peak. We located it next to the wood pile and our easy to access maple trees…
We will be installing our cinder block arch similar to the one we used last year. When we re-install it I will post a new video going over the project.
The week we finished the dinning room & kitchen window trim… Its nice to get back to back work weekends and see something get to completion… There is so much more trim to be done… seems like a never ending project…
Here is a before pic
Window Trim – Before
And the after
Window Trim – After
Also took the GoPro and attached it to the ATV a drove around the property… tested its toughness when it fell of the mount 🙂 also had a shot of the local Amish riding their horse and buggy…
This is not much of an update… more of a visit with my daughter and dog. It has been a very busy coupe of weeks and I needed a little break. I do demo my new Aurora Fire Starter which worked pretty well. Continue reading Winter cabin visit→