What a great fall weekend. The leaves are at their peak and there was a nice layer of frost on the ground. We could not ask for a nicer weekend.
One the sugar shack project we progressed nicely. We build a knee wall over the front opening to support the roof and add a little height to the project. We picked up some Amish 2×6’s during the week and used them to frame up the roof rafters. The project is coming along and should be completed in a couple of weeks.
On a side note I mentioned on the the video that after being asked many times I have decided to start selling my photography. I never really wanted to spend the time to take orders, print, matt, frame and ship things so I found someplace that will do that all for me. If your so inclined I have a site setup where prints can be ordered here, Chris Bordeleau Photography. These are not cabin related directly but many of the photos come from our property or the ride to and from the cabin.
This week we finished up the ceiling at the guest cabin. This is the final major project on the guest cabin. There are always other projects but now we can start moving equipment and tools out.
Its funny when you remove a tool from someplace something else always takes it place. So the second half of the day we started cleaning out one of the sheds. We build a new work bench so we can store things under it. Next week we plan to build 20 feet of shelving. After that, and throwing away junk, we should have enough space to clean out the guest cabin.
Once I have the guest cabin cleaned out I plan to do an overview / completed video. For anyone who has been watching since the beginning it will be a little redundant. I hope to use it to attract new subscribers (who can then watch the whole series start to finish 🙂 )
We finally got back to work on the guest cabin. The loft ceiling is about half way installed. This is the last major task to be done.
Behind the scenes we have been doing a couple of small jobs getting ready. We shiplapped all the boards and applied poly to most of them.
The boards were purchased from a local Amish sawmill last year and allowed to dry over winter. We had them custom mill them 1/2 inch thick as we were concerned about weight. This cabin is not set in the ground but floats on 4×4 posts set on pre-cast concrete elephants feet.
Today we framed in the knee-wall with some left over 1×4 stock we had. This wall not being structural we didn’t want to waste 2x4s.
knee wall framing
We left access to the area behind the wall on both ends for storage.
After that we installed the shiplapped boards. hopefully in a week we will be done. Then we just have to clean the cabin out and its ready for use…
So I just got back from vacation in the southwest… We spent the part of our time in Vegas, Grand Canyon and Sedona. Prior to that we had some members of our extended family in the hospital… So its been a while since my last post and video.
So this week and I a couple of tasks I wanted to take care of… mowing the lawn (it always needs to be mowed) and getting more of the window trim done.
I cut and put the first coat of stain on the four windows in the dinning room and kitchen. Next week I will get the last coat of stain on and maybe install them. I want to get to work on the guest cabin ceiling… So that might take precedence…
thanks for hanging around…
Our Off the Grid Cabin, Projects and what ever else I feel like putting here