Butterfly A-822 Kerosene stove
This week at the cabin we installed fascia at the guest cabin, did a little shooting with an older J.C. Higgins Model 20 and assembled and tested a Butterfly Model A-822 kerosene stove. Continue reading Installing Fascia, shooting a JC Higgins Model 20 and setting up a Butterfly kerosene cook stove →
Completed composting sawdust toilet
We finished up the sawdust toilet this weekend. It was to windy to do any outside work so we continued on the ceiling beams.
Continue reading Guest Cabin – Finishing up and Installing the sawdust toilet and working on the ceiling beams →
Sawdust composting toilet
My mid-week project this week was building a Sawdust composting toilet
Continue reading DIY Building a Composting Sawdust Toilet →
Window trimmed in master bedroom
This week we sanded, stained and installed the master bedroom trim. I think it really makes the room pop.
Continue reading Trimming out the bedroom windows →
Cabin in fall
This week we worked on trimming the master bedroom window. We did a little decorating, squirrel hunting and a couple more odds and ends…
Continue reading Cabin & Guest cabin update →
Our Off the Grid Cabin, Projects and what ever else I feel like putting here