Another great weekend at the cabin… getting along on projects and keeping busy…
This week we triple sealed the countertop and grouted it…. stained (combo stain / poly) the trim for the countertop and installed it… we still need to seal the grout and instal the backsplash… then the sink… the plan is to drain the sink out to a bucket for now…
The weather was a bit iffy so we worked in inside projects… we got the tool shed cleaned up and installed a work bench and shelf… we picked up the roof rafters for the pole barn (17 2x8x12’s)… picked up two truck loads of apple, ash and locust logs… good couple of days…
I also got the other coleman lantern cleaned up and running… a 1974 228h… bit tricky to light but still working… my father in law left me another project 🙂 a 1954 220… should have it ready next week…
summers rapidly coming to a close and projects are coming along hope everyone else is have a good and productive summer…. winter comes to soon sometimes…
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