We finished up our first batch of syrup this week. I canned one and a half gallons and put about a pint into our open bottle in the refrigerator.
We have about a gallon of syrup that is about 80% finished still at the cabin and this week the trees should still be running so with some luck we will get around 4 gallons.
Last year we finished up just based on temp and the results were good but not as thick as we would have liked. So this year we invested in a Maple Syrup Hydrometer and Hydrometer Test Cup
I think the results are going to be better as I had to boil off about a quart of water off from what I would have considered finished last year.
This year we also picked up a Maple Syrup Filter Cone which did help at reducing the maple sand in the finished product. Unfortunately I forgot to bring it back from the cabin so I did not get to run it through one last time before canning. On a couple of cans I used a cotton cloth but it clogged to quickly. But on the three jars I did use it on the results we very clear. For the next couple of gallons I won’t forget it.
Hi there from Australia! I have just watched your youtube segment on canning maple syrup & I have a few questions I’m hoping you can help me with, please. I purchased some syrup in plastic bottles from a wholesaler. Not sure where it originated from or what grade it is. After watching a few versions of canning it, I’m a bit confused. Do I need to just heat, strain & jar the syrup or do I need to heat, strain, jar & then water bath the jars? I did purchase the syrup for long term storage. I look forward to your reply. Many thanks, Annie