We finished up the sawdust toilet this weekend. It was to windy to do any outside work so we continued on the ceiling beams.
We had to finish up the sawdust toilet. The main task was applying a finish and attaching the tongue and groove to the front. We also decided to change the height of the bucket inside the toilet.
After that was done we visited several local Amish. We needed to see the man building our bench for the front to get the data to pick it up. While out we went by the steel shop and inquired about a scope of the toilet. It will be ready in a couple of weeks.
We stopped into the sawmill we get most of our lumber from to pickup a couple of buckets of sawdust.
Before we got back we went into a tarp shop and talked about having a custom tarp made for the front porch of our main cabin. We need to get some dimensions and photos to him but he indicated we could get something done before winter at around $1 a square foot.
When we got back we checked our game camera that we setup over looking an active buck scrape and found that we have a 6 point buck frequenting the spot along with several other deer.
After that we continued working on the guest cabin decorative ceiling beams… boy oh boy do I will we had gone another direction with that.
I installed a light reflector (see photo below) that you can get here : AMERICAN FLUOR CORP R161-6 12-Feet Diameter Screw In Adaptor Reflector. I like it but wish they would have put the stickers on the back side. They were a pain to get off…