Well like I said we would not be doing many cabin projects during hunting season… So I worked on two videos during the down time… first was on the Weatherby and the next was my yearly hunting video… the first part I did last week
Opening week I watched several deer through the scope and I let them all go. I tend to be picky the first week. This week I was less picky.
It was snowing heavily and very windy. Two deer about the same size came within 15 feet of me. I turned and they ran 30 yards away and then the both looked at me. I gave them a minute and they still looked at me. Anyone who hunts knows the mental game that goes on . Will these be the last deer I get a chance on this season, if I wait will a larger one come along any minute, etc…
In the end this one looked at me too long…
I also did a video on taking apart and cleaning my Weatherby Mark V. It is a very simple rifle to work on. I spent twice as long talking about cleaning it then it normally takes me just to clean it 🙂
Here is the cleaning kit I used in the video, Otis Tactical Cleaning System with 6 Brushes. I love this little kit. It does not take up much space and can do it all.
Oh… and don’t forget the Hoppe’s, Hoppe’s No. 9 Gun Bore Cleaning Solvent, 5-Ounce Bottle
We still have two more weeks of hunting left… good luck everyone…