

OK… So my idea that I could take three girls to the cabin all by myself… not so bright… The girls had a good time but boy oh boy… and what ever miracle of miracles allows six year old girls to wake up with such enthusiasm at the late old hour of 6:30 am they need to bottle up save until they are 13 and don’t want to wake up and give back to them…

Continue reading 10-12-2009



Picked up four saws (three four footers & one five footer), a 2 inch auger, a scythe, and a buck saw off of criagslist. Cleaned them up and plan to put them on the cabin wall with the other saws… They were in great shape… very little rust and very sharp… just cleaned up the surface rust with some WD-40 and #2 steel wool for the blades and some Howard Feed-N-Wax with some #00 steel wool for the handles.

Continue reading 9-13-2009

Our Off the Grid Cabin, Projects and what ever else I feel like putting here