So I did not make it to the cabin this weekend. Decided to take my kids up to Toronto For the day instead. But I did pickup this little stove at an antique dealer for $20. I found the name of the stove (title edited) – see below
When I got it the whole body looked like the burner and we could not see the writing. After doing some basic cleanup I could see the script.

I read it as Pakopu but am not really sure. The second letter could be an E and the last maybe an O.

There are some other markings on body as well. Its not as old as I thought and I’m not sure what the other markings mean. The owner of the shop gets all his goods from eastern Europe. I would love to hear from anyone who knows where its from.

I know its a Primus style paraffin (kerosene) stove. When I opened the fuel tank I could smell the kerosene. I’m going to finish polishing the body then remove and soak the burner in kerosene to clean it along with swishing the fuel tank with kerosene to clean that out as well. It should work so expect a video in the not to distant future once I get it going.
It will mostly be used for a display piece at cabin but if it works well could be cool to use more regularly.
Looks like the stove is russian… I found a forum for stove collectors and this looks like it : http://www.spiritburner.com/fusion/showtopic.php?tid/24842/post/new/#NEW
Here is an example of one in use
He does not light it correctly. Here is a video showing proper lighting
Here is a video of our stove on its first run… Took a little while to figure it out…
And here are links to a couple of modern equivalents of our stove