Pole Barn 10-29-2010

Pole Barn

This morning I got to the cabin around 8 to 38 degrees and rain… not what I was looking forward to… only had time for 15 minutes of turkey hunting… saw 4 and tried to get in front of them… never works that way… so back to work

Today we got the front sided and most of the north side… but we are having a problem getting 1×10’s… all we have left is the upper south side and the soffits…

Along with getting more 1×10’s I will probably need extra 1×3 batons too… Next week I hope to finish the siding and get the batons on the front…

Pole Barn

One thought on “Pole Barn 10-29-2010”

  1. well I have to say you and Rich are doing a great job how about coming to my house and build me one ..:o)

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