This is how I “restore” my saws. I acquired most of these saws on craigslist. The small hand saws go for $10 or under while the larger crosscut saws $20.
When I get them they tend to be rusty having not been used for many years. Many people say they belong to family and had been passed on for years. They are happy to see them go to someone who will clean them up.
I note in the video this is a cosmetic restoration and that if your have a valuable antique you should not use this video as a guide.
The steps involved :
- lightly using wire wheel on bench grinder
- use sandpaper starting with 120 up to 220 (lubricated with spray petroleum like wd-40)
- use sharpening stone on blade (lubricated with spray petroleum like wd-40)
- wax blade to prevent rust
- clean handle with Howard wax & feed using fine steel wool
stand back and admire your new old saw that wears its age like a badge of honor…
I am acquiring the tools to be able to properly sharpen these saws… I’d like to be able to use them and have them function as they should
Here are some resources for your crosscut saws